Embrace Oat Fibre: Your Ultimate Keto Baking Ally!

  • Feb 19, 2024
  • By Rikke Svartangen
  • 0 Comment

Flours and fibres are found in just about everything these days, including the glorious oat. But if you’re looking for a low-carb or keto-friendly baking option that will elevate your baking, while also helping you hit your carb targets, you’re going to love oat fibre. With its extremely low carb and calorie count, it’s a staple in any low-carb or keto kitchen.

Now, if you’re wondering where this oat fibre magic comes from, it’s all about the humble oat husk. You know, the outer layer that wraps around the oat kernel. It’s kind of like the process they use for psyllium husk powder —grinding the outer layer to create a super fine powder that’s a baking game-changer. So, next time you’re whipping yo keto-friendly treats, consider giving oat fibre a try!


Why We Love Oat Fibre

When it comes to low-carb baking, nailing that perfect texture can be quite a challenge. Well, here’s why we love our oat fibre. It’s the secret ingredient that keeps your low-carb baked treats wonderfully moist and soft. How does it do that? Well, the oat fibre acts like a sponge, soaking up liquids at a staggering 7 times its weight. That’s the magic that transforms bread and baked goods, giving them that ideal texture and a boost of dietary fibre, all while keeping those sneaky carbs at bay and your ketosis dreams alive.

But oat fibre isn’t just a one-trick pony. It’s incredibly versatile with its mild flavour and super-fine, powdery texture that effortlessly blends into anything you whip up. Whether it’s muffins, cupcakes, smoothies, shakes, cereals or cookies, you name it, oat fibre can elevate it. Just a couple of tablespoons can work wonders in your keto bread or baked goods. And hey, why stop at baking? Oat fibre also plays nicely as a binding agent for meatballs, subs in perfectly for flour in chicken dishes, and amps up the fibre content in your morning smoothies and shakes. So, go ahead, make oat fibre your keto kitchen sidekick!

Just a couple of tablespoons can work wonders in your keto bread or baked goods.

Five Fantastic Fibre Facts

  1. Fibre can help your digestion, normalise bowel movements and support overall bowel health.
  2. Fibre can help ease constipation troubles.
  3. Fibre can help control blood sugar levels.
  4. Fibre can help maintain a healthy body weight since high-fibre foods tend to be more satiating and keep you fuller for longer.
  5. Fibre may help you to reduce your risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease.

Other Common Questions on Oat Fibre

How to use oat fibre? Add a couple of tablespoons of oat fibre to any keto baking recipe to help improve texture, or follow any recipe that calls for oat fibre. Oat fibre is often found working alongside some of its fondest flour pals like lupin flour, almond flour, coconut flour or golden linseed.

Please note that due to its ability to retain moisture, you may need to increase the amount of water in your recipe if you’re adding a significant amount of oat fibre to your dry ingredients.

What can I make with oat fibre? You’ll quickly discover that oat fibre can be used in a ton of low-carb recipes. Some of our favourites can be found below, and hopefully be used as an inspiration to get you started!

